Tarot Cards Meanings - The Suit of Cups - The Three of Cups - meaning in detail

The Three of Cups - tarot card meaning in detail

The Three of Cups The Lord of Abundance

Numerical Value: 3
Astrological Associations: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Mars, Jupiter

Full Meaning

The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, often family celebrations such as births and marriages. You may well be finding at the moment that your past efforts are beginning to produce the desired results and you may well be feeling full of optimism, joy and determination. There may also be a tendency at this time to let your heart be ruled by your head and your emotions will play a large part in actions or decision making that you may be undertaking at the moment. This card is also symbolic of better health and it can indicate that any past problems are about to be resolved. For those in a relationship The Three of Cups may signify a choice between a number of partners or relationships, but it can also mean a successful reunion between people.

Traditional Symbolism

Maidens in a garden-ground with cups uplifted, as if pledging one another.

The Three of Cups summary.

The Three of Cups Card illustration.

The Suit of Cups.