Tarot Cards Meanings - The Suit of Cups - The Five of Cups - Meaning
The Five of Cups - tarot card meanings and illustrations
Basic Meaning
Upright - A need to re-order and re-evaluate priorities. Union. Feelings of disappointment in someone or in oneself. Feelings of loss and a deflated ego. There is a need to curb futile belligerence and accept the inevitable. Some worries and regrets. Issues relating to engagements and emotional letdowns. Emotional or monetary legacies.
Key Words: Displeasure, deflated egos, changes, overindulgence strains the wallet.
Ill Dignified or Reversed - An altered way of life. False dawns and false starts. Issues that may suddenly arise from an unexpected source. Feelings of anxiety.
Key Words: Spend wisely, the overturning of a way of life, some anxieties.

The Five of Cups meaning and symbolism in detail.
The Five of Cups Card illustration.